How to Support She Became as a Community Member


By Sarah Burns, Sponsorship Director

Over the past few months, amidst a world of change, we have been working to convert She Became to a virtual format. In a typical year we provide after school snacks, craft materials, and any other supplementary items for the girls, but obviously our expenses have shifted this year.

We still supply craft materials but now also subscribe to a private, advanced Zoom account for virtual mentor meeting. We are also planning to distribute additional goodie bags to the girls in the spring semester. Now more than ever, support from our community is vital. Normally we collect dues from our mentors that are financially able to give, but this year asking college students for money just didn’t feel right. Our sponsors are what keep She Became alive and well, and every dollar donated funds our future women of the world. In this crazy time especially, we strive to continue to give these girls what they deserve: the necessary resources to cultivate and a healthy, encouraging environment to grow. Please reach out to if you would like to support our efforts, or click the “donate” tab on our website.

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Now more than ever, support from our community is vital.


My Experience as a Mentor